Durable and Maintenance-Free Design: The 6-QW-60 L2-400 Efb Start stop 12V Rechargeable auto Battery features a professional maintenance-free design, eliminating the need for regular checks and replacements of acid and water. This ensures a hassle-free ownership experience for the user.
High-Performance Capability: With a capacity of 60Ah and a high Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) of 730, this battery is designed to provide reliable starting power for vehicles, even in extreme temperatures.
Long-Lasting Battery Life: The battery is backed by a 12-month warranty, providing peace of mind for users who want a reliable and long-lasting power source for their vehicles.
Compact and Lightweight Design: Measuring 258 x 171 x 190 x 190 mm and weighing only 17.9 kg, this battery is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easy to handle and install in various vehicles.
Environmentally Friendly and Cost-Effective: As a rechargeable battery, the 6-QW-60 L2-400 Efb Start stop 12V Rechargeable auto Battery reduces electronic waste and saves users money in the long run by eliminating the need for frequent battery replacements.
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